Sea Org Members in My Family & Relationships with My Children
My mom and my sister are members of the Sea Organization, which is the religious
My mom and my sister are members of the Sea Organization, which is the religious
I don’t think it’s ever been more important to cultivate in our kids a love
During this strange time that we are living through, I thought it might be a
Our whole family recently spent a month at Flag, the Scientology religious retreat in Clearwater,
My dad is a pretty amazing man, having re-invented himself a few times during my
This past weekend, I got up early with my kids, and made the quick flight
You might find it controversial, but my wife and I let my 8-year-old daughter swing
I was recently asked by a student what it’s like getting raised in a Scientology
My oldest is just eight years old, but the father/daughter conversations we have are sometimes
“Do your kids get to choose their religion? What happens if they want to marry
I did a Naming Ceremony at the Church Of Scientology in Clearwater Florida, for my
My family recently returned from a trip to Los Angeles, a trip we took primarily
Once you become a parent, you’ve got 18 years (at least) ahead of you to