Meet Scientology Parents

Interviews with Scientologist families from all around the world.
Interviews with Scientologist families from all around the world.

Parenting is an adventure, and as far as I’ve observed, no parent goes into parenting totally prepared for the challenges, and the utter joy they’re in for as a parent.   Any parent deserves to be as fully-armed as they can be with tools they can use to make the best of the challenges they’ll face as a parent, to the end of being able to raise happy, healthy children – and be happy, healthy parents at the end of it too!

The following are interviews with Scientologist parents from around the world, giving their views on how their beliefs have affected their experience as a parent and as a family member.

  • Video: Regarding Scientology Misconceptions & RumorsVideo: Regarding Scientology Misconceptions & Rumors
    One thing that I’ve always enjoyed about being somewhat public with the fact that I’m a Scientologist, is that I end up getting approached somewhat regularly by students looking to interview or ask questions about Scientology for a school project.  The most recent of these was a girl who had to turn in a video of ...
  • Video: Interviewed by a College Student on Scientology BeliefsVideo: Interviewed by a College Student on Scientology Beliefs
    A college student reached out to me on Reddit to interview me as part of a class project, to ask detailed questions of what it’s like as a Scientologist. She was respectful and understanding, and was gracious enough to allow me to post the video of our conversation here, should it be of any ...
  • 6 Questions on Starting in Scientology6 Questions on Starting in Scientology
    I was asked a series of questions by a user on Reddit, and in the interest of anyone else who might have similar questions about Scientology, I’m posting the questions & answers here. How did you initially get into Scientology? I told a fuller story of what precipitated my calling myself a Scientologist here. But ...
  • Video: An 18-Part Interview by a High School Student on ScientologyVideo: An 18-Part Interview by a High School Student on Scientology
    I was recently contacted by an American high school senior, who asked me if I’d be willing to answer a variety of questions about my experience as a Scientologist, which I was entirely willing to do. A requirement for his class was that he had to record the interview and submit that as well ...
  • I’m a Scientology Dad and Just Went Clear – What Was That Like?I'm a Scientology Dad and Just Went Clear - What Was That Like?
    I recently attained the State of Clear at my Church of Scientology, and I wanted to tell you a bit about what this was like, and attempt to detail in practical terms what this has meant for me personally, as well as for my family. Before I go into too much detail though, please have a ...
  • Regarding Being Interviewed about ScientologyRegarding Being Interviewed about Scientology
    I recently got engaged in a discussion on Twitter, regarding attempts to get my religion properly represented in the media. It ended up pulling in She-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named, who wanted me to come appear on her farce of a show to represent Scientology.  The conversation culminated with the following statement by Sarah Daniels, an expert voice in ...
  • Ask a Scientologist – 14 Student Questions Answered about ScientologyAsk a Scientologist - 14 Student Questions Answered about Scientology
    A student asked the following questions for a school presentation on the subject of Scientology. As a preface to my answers to the questions asked, my name is Tad, I’m a father of 3, a second-generation Scientologist, and am a systems engineer for an Internet service provider.    I’ve been in and around Scientology nearly my entire ...
  • Scientologists Answer: What do you believe in as a Scientologist?Scientologists Answer:  What do you believe in as a Scientologist?
    The following question was posed by a college student doing a research paper on Scientology: Also if it’s not too much to ask do you think you could tell me what you believe in as a Scientologist and how that might differ from another Scientologist? The following are answers, from everyday Scientologists from around the world: Shaina, Scientology ...
  • Scientologists Answer: What Makes Scientology Different From Any Other ReligionScientologists Answer:  What Makes Scientology Different From Any Other Religion
    The following question was posed by a college student doing a research paper on Scientology: What makes Scientology different than any other religion? The following are answers, from everyday Scientologists from around the world: Natalie, mother & artist: For one thing, you are not asked to “believe in” anything. Nothing is taken on faith. You study and look for ...
  • Scientologists Answer: Does your family practice alone as Scientologists or within one of the churches?Scientologists Answer: Does your family practice alone as Scientologists or within one of the churches?
    The following question was posed by a college student doing a research paper on Scientology: Does your family practice alone as Scientologists or within one of the churches? In addition to my own answers, I asked a number of Scientologist friends to give their views on this.  Their answers follow: Cristal, businesswoman & nonprofit director:  Because Scientology is ...
  • Scientologists Answer: What Does “Reaching Your Full Potential” Mean in Scientology?Scientologists Answer: What Does “Reaching Your Full Potential” Mean in Scientology?
    The following question was posed by a college student doing a research paper on Scientology:  To you, what does “reaching your full potential” mean in Scientology? To answer this, I asked a number of Scientologist friends to answer how they felt about this.  Their answers are below: Natalie, mother & artist: It really is so personal to each person. ...
  • Scientologists Answer: Has the Media Made you Second-Guess your Scientology Religious Beliefs?Scientologists Answer: Has the Media Made you Second-Guess your Scientology Religious Beliefs?
    The following question was posed by a college student doing a research paper on Scientology: With all the accusations against the religion did that make you and your family second-guess Scientology at all? As well as providing my own thoughts, I put this question to a number of Scientologist friends, and got the following answers: Tad, daddy of 3: The ...
  • Questions & Answers: Regarding Practicing Scientology, Second-Guessing my Beliefs and What Makes My Beliefs DifferentQuestions & Answers:  Regarding Practicing Scientology, Second-Guessing my Beliefs and What Makes My Beliefs Different
    I got the following questions from a college student doing a research paper on Scientology. Does your family practice alone as Scientologists or within one of the churches? We definitely take advantage of Scientology services in our local Church of Scientology.  There is a lot one can learn about Scientology on one’s own,  seeing as a large ...
  • Can You Explain Both How and Why You Became Involved with the Church of Scientology?Can You Explain Both How and Why You Became Involved with the Church of Scientology?
    I got answers from a number of Scientologists to answer the question of both how they came into Scientology, and why they decided to be Scientologists.   Some of them grew up in a Scientology family, others did not. If you have any questions for any of these individuals, as to what made them decide to ...
  • How Does the Day-to-Day of Being a Scientologist Compare to Other Religions?How Does the Day-to-Day of Being a Scientologist Compare to Other Religions?
    A student wrote in, asking: In your personal opinion, how do you think Scientology is different from other religions ex: Christianity, Catholic, Islam, when it comes to day to day living? This is a question that I’ve been asked enough that I figured merited posting, so as to gather other similar responses.  I’ll post my answers here, ...
  • Carry the Future’s Cristal Logothesis on Scientology and her FamilyCarry the Future's Cristal Logothesis on Scientology and her Family
    Cristal Munoz-Logothesis is the Founder of a charity called Carry the Future which has been featured on Today, Huffington Post, and number of other news outlets, as a organization to help refugee families from the Middle East by fitting them with baby carriers and clothing to keep their children warm and safe.  She is also a Scientologist, and ...
  • Interview with a Scientologist: “I would not have a family of my own had I not found Scientology”Interview with a Scientologist: "I would not have a family of my own had I not found Scientology"
      Here is an interview done with Renee, a Scientologist and mother of three, on what Scientology has meant for her family relationships:   Where do you live – and what do you do for work? I currently live in Northern Virginia with my husband and kids. But originally I’m from Southern California. Born and raised in San Diego ...
  • Interview with a Montana Scientologist on Scientology & FamilyInterview with a Montana Scientologist on Scientology & Family I interviewed Anna Sanders, a Montana Scientologist whom I first met (curiously) when my family was moving cross-country to Oregon.   She’s a mother of two, living on a frankly gorgeous spot near Flathead Lake, where’s she’s able to raise her family, as well as a number of horses.  The photo above is from a trail ride she took ...
  • A Brief Description of Scientology from a ScientologistA Brief Description of Scientology from a Scientologist
    A writer recently messaged me, and asked me to summarize for her a few things about my beliefs and what they’ve done for me.  I figured the questions may be ones other readers might have, so I’ll share them here.  I’m always willing to field honest questions about my beliefs and on the subject of ...
  • Scientology Helped Us Deal with Our Daughter’s Battle with CancerScientology Helped Us Deal with Our Daughter's Battle with Cancer
    Stephanie and Russ are parents to three beautiful girls, and make their home on a farm in Texas.   Adversity struck their family when their eldest daughter was diagnosed with bone cancer.  Their story of dealing with this illness as a family, and coming through the other side shining, is inspiring and beautiful in the ...
  • Was my Life’s Goal to Be a Mother Going to End in Despair?Was my Life's Goal to Be a Mother Going to End in Despair?
    How would you say going Clear has affected you as a parent? I’d like to give you a full answer to this, as you’ll have to know the bad, to appreciate the difference this has made. You see – as far back as I can remember I’ve always wanted to be a mother.     From the age of four, ...
  • My Family and My Life After Going ClearMy Family and My Life After Going Clear
    Felicia is a Scientologist and mother of two from San Francisco.  She recently attained the State of Clear and wanted to share some of the unexpected ways this changed her life. You recently completed some major Scientology counseling services. How would you say this has affected you as a parent? Throughout the course of my auditing I was aware that I ...
  • My Family After Going ClearMy Family After Going Clear
    Kirstie and Jason are Scientologists, and are raising two young children in the San Francisco Bay area.  Both Kirstie and Jason recently completed major Scientology Auditing programs, having both attained the State of Clear.   We asked Kirstie her thoughts on this, and how it’s affected her as a parent, and as a new mother.   You ...
  • Scientology Questions & Answers: Cindy, California Mother of TwoScientology Questions & Answers: Cindy, California Mother of Two
    These are my answers to the questions posed by the Dutch university study group which others on this site also answered.    Please do comment below if you have any other questions about how I feel Scientology has influence decisions I’ve made with my life. General 1. Can you explain both how and why you became involved ...
  • Scientology Questions & Answers: Tkeisha, Oregon Mother of TwoScientology Questions & Answers: Tkeisha, Oregon Mother of Two
    A university study group in Holland was researching the Scientology religion, and wanted to get some direct answers what Scientologists – particularly Scientologist parents – think about their religion, and how their religion impacts some of their life choices. Tkeisha is a mother from Oregon, who lives in the beautiful coastal hills with her husband and ...
  • Scientology Questions & Answers: Stephanie, Texan Mother of Three
    A university study group in Holland was researching the Scientology religion, and wanted to get some direct answers what Scientologists – particularly Scientologist parents – think about their religion, and how their religion impacts some of their life choices. Stephanie Croman hails from Texas, and lives on a ranch with her husband and three daughters.   ...
  • Scientology Questions & Answers: Diane, Mother & Scientology Parent CounselorScientology Questions & Answers:  Diane, Mother & Scientology Parent Counselor
    A university study group in Holland was researching the Scientology religion, and wanted to get some direct answers what Scientologists – particularly Scientologist parents – think about their religion, and how their religion impacts some of their life choices. Diane Norgard is a Scientologist and Family Consultant at the Mace-Kingsley Family Center in Clearwater, Florida.   Her ...
  • Scientology Questions & Answers – Hailley, Mother
    A university study group in Holland was researching the Scientology religion, and wanted to get some direct answers what Scientologists – particularly Scientologist parents – think about their religion, and how their religion impacts some of their life choices. Hailley, a life-long Scientologist, is a mother to two beautiful daughters, and makes her home in the ...
  • Scientology Questions & Answers – Jamie, Mother
    A university study group in Holland was researching the Scientology religion, and wanted to get some direct answers what Scientologists – particularly Scientologist parents – think about their religion, and how their religion impacts some of their life choices. Jamie is a mother of two living in the Los Angeles area.   She’s a life-long Scientologist, and her answers ...
  • Scientology Questions & Answers – Tad, Father of TwoScientology Questions & Answers - Tad, Father of Two
    A university study group in Holland was researching the Scientology religion, and wanted to get some direct answers what Scientologists – particularly Scientologist parents – think about their religion, and how their religion impacts some of their life choices. Following are my answers to their questions. General 1. Can you explain both how and why you became involved with The Church ...
  • Family & Scientology – How I Became a ScientologistFamily & Scientology - How I Became a Scientologist
    I’ve been asked a few different times about how my own religious beliefs and practices will figure into my children, and whether I assume that they will be Scientologists as well.   Obviously, it’s a major item of discussion in current media,  and as such I think it’s somewhat appropriate (as a second-generation Scientologist) to ...
  • My Mother & Scientology – The Story I Never KnewMy Mother & Scientology - The Story I Never Knew
    With all of the media attention now being given the subject of Scientology & parenting, I thought it pertinent to post this – a little missive my mother wrote for me, detailing a part of her life I actually had no prior knowledge of: how it was that she ended up in Scientology in the ...
  • Interview with a Scientologist Specializing in Auditing Children
    I got a chance to ask some questions of Scientology Auditor Jesse Riendeau, a fellow Maine native and a specialist in the auditing of children.  (See this video for a visual description of what auditing is and how it works.) He works for Mace-Kingsley Family Center, a facility with over 30 years of experience applying Scientology ...

    5 thoughts on “Meet Scientology Parents

    1. Very good site to learn more about Scientology. Things explained so clear en bright. Very exciting to me. Thank you very much!
      Can this site be translated to Dutch? Or any language when asked?

      1. Hi Pedro – thanks, and glad you like the site. Definitely work hard to give a real, personal view of Scientology. With respect to the Dutch translation – if you’re viewing this on a desktop PC, there’s a “Translate This Page” menu in the right-hand sidebar which can translate any page of the site into whichever language you want, including Dutch. Let me know if that works for you. It’s Google Translate, so the translation may not be the best, but hopefully it still serves.

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