Children Learn by Mimicry – So What are you Teaching Them?


Something to consider:

“A child learns by mimicry. Most children, unless they’re severely aberrated, are very good mimics. And they look at the adult and they try to use the adult as a pattern for their own actions. This is natural. Unfortunately, most adults around children have quite a few dramatizations. So the child may start now to mimic the dramatization…”

from lecture Processing Children – 15 July 1950 (See Research & Discovery Volume 3 for full text)

My 3-year-old daughter chattering away with her grandmother on my big Nokia Lumia 920.It’s one thing to take this to encompass things like putting on clothes, eating, wiping your mouth, etc.  Obviously our kids (and other peoples’ kids) watch everything we do, and most of us realize this.   But what about other things like snapping back at mommy when she asks a question, or saying “I can’t take it anymore!” and slamming the door, or arguing in front of the kids, or using bad manners with others.   Our kids are indeed watching our every move, and as such it’s of paramount importance that we set a good example for our kids.

In some cases, that’s simply a matter of self-discipline.  In others, it’s a matter of putting enough attention on yourself to get your own shortcomings sorted out.  Bad communication habits, unreasonable fears and upsets at things – these all have a source and can be sorted out, which is what Dianetics & Scientology are all about.

So, just think about it then next time you snap back at your spouse, and wonder why your kids are all of the sudden cheeky with you as well.

7 thoughts on “Children Learn by Mimicry – So What are you Teaching Them?

    1. Indeed – especially when it comes to bad language. That’s the one that hurts the most, I think. 🙂

  1. Great article. It is a very important reminder that children do as we do, not as we say! Easy to “understand”, but challenging to remember to apply in PT. Nevertheless it must be a priority to be an example of the way you want your children to communicate.

    1. Indeed – definitely challenges one to step up their game as a parent, and locate & obliterate bad habits, bad communication habits, etc. They’re watching!!

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