Our Second Au Pair

You may have read earlier that for the previous year, we’ve had an au pair in our house from Brazil.  The experience was fantastic.  I wrote about it a bit here, but I think the slideshow above should tell the story well on how much our kids appreciated having her here.  It really did enrich all areas of our family, as not only is it less expensive than having two kids in all-day daycare, but the kids really appreciate having a friend they can learn from and work with, rather than the constant churn or “who can babysit for us tonight??”

Well, after our first au pair completed her year stay in the USA and had to go back home to Brazil, we decided to get another au pair.   After a bit of searching, we matched up with an amazing girl from South Africa, Claudi.   In short – she’s been FANTASTIC.   She is caring, absurdly helpful, and has basically become a part of our family.  My 4 year old daughter, until we finally got across to her what an “au pair” was, just told folks that she was her big sister.    I wrote separately about how it’s worked out reconciling the differences in our cultures – with her being a christian, and our family being Scientologists – which, long story short, has been a zero-issue.  The big story has simply been how good its been for our kids to have a stable person in their lives to care for them – and I think that’s communicated best with the little slideshow I put together below of her first 6 months with us.


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