Stories from Scientologist Parents

I’ve had some great contributions lately from a number of other Scientologist parents who are having great success and fun raising their kids using the tenets of Scientology.






They’ve got a ton of great parenting stories – and will have more to come as we add articles & stories from them on the site.  Have a look!

And also, if you’re a Scientologist parent, I would love to have your stories and your great photos up here too!   Just comment on this blog post or hit me up on Facebook!

3 thoughts on “Stories from Scientologist Parents

  1. It’s been my pleasure to contribute (what little I have already) to this wonderful website. I plan to do more very soon — in fact, I am in the midst of writing something right now. But really, this is a great resource for stories and new ideas of how to apply L.Ron Hubbard’s technology to raising children. Keep up the good work!

    1. Nice! I’ll have to do a separate post with that and the other great Scientology Parent story that just came out on the YouTube channel – Fred the Daddy! 🙂

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