Un-Making Old Decisions

When did you first make a decision to be a good parent?
When did you first make a decision to be a good parent?

“You make New Year’s resolutions. And you make them into the teeth of old resolutions which were different. Then you don’t keep your new resolutions and you tell yourself you are weak-willed. You aren’t weak-willed. You are simply obeying yourself as of yesterday.”
— L. Ron Hubbard (Handbook for Preclears p.265)

I came across that quote while on studying the book Handbook for Preclears at my local church. It was in a fascinating section where the author is talking about the effect it can have on one’s life when one makes a decision about something, and forgets to “unmake” that decision, or re-evaluate one’s current surrounds and make a new one.

It made me think of so many young parents that I’ve seen that are still trying to “be college kids” or still trying to “be a party animal” or a hot chick guy-magnet or whatever. They have pieces of their life that they’ve made decisions on at one time or another – things that they decided were important which they’ve never really re-evaluated and made a new decision about.

The section is fascinating, as is the rest of the book.

Handbook for Preclears is actually a self-help book which has processes that one can work over with oneself, and shake some of these things loose, to one’s own considerable benefit. If you haven’t tried it, give it a go. You can get Handbook for Preclears here, you can read it at your local church, or even check out a copy at your local library.

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