Day 85 | Mackenzie at the Scientology VM Tent

Today I went down to the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Tent to volunteer for a while helping people with their day-to-day problems. Mackenzie was on full-time duty cheering everybody up, and was all smiles & chuckles to anyone who came near us. It wasn’t until the end of the day when they started breaking up the tent that I got the idea to take a photo, and at that point she finally decided to pass out.

Mackenzie at the Scientology VM Tent

It was a great day though.   Totally awesome weather for a 15th of November (something like 68°F all day & sunny) and we got to help a whole bunch of people with solutions to day-to-day problems in their lives.   While I was there we helped several people relieve stress in their day with some Scientology Assists, and some other couples improve their relationships with each other with some on-the-spot training in communication techniques.

Of course, Mackenzie was a big help, as sometimes all people need is a friendly face to help brighten their day up, and that’s something Mackenzie can provide in spades!  🙂


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