My Scientology Baby Naming Ceremony
I did a Naming Ceremony at the Church Of Scientology in Clearwater Florida, for my
I did a Naming Ceremony at the Church Of Scientology in Clearwater Florida, for my
I wanted to share with the community our naming ceremony that we did at our
When I started this website nearly 5 years ago, my wife was pregnant with our
Confession: Before I had my first child, I was factually petrified that my children
Yesterday I had a parent ask me a very interesting question that I had to
As a mom, I sometimes have a tendency to second guess the decisions I make
In responding to folks on our Google+ page and Facebook pages regarding breastfeeding, I just
With all of the media attention now being given the subject of Scientology & parenting,
Baby 365 Project 2.0, a set on Flickr. Seeing as both of my kids were
Getting through “teething babies” is a basic rite of passage for any parent. Two simultaneous
After writing earlier articles about how much I’ve been consciously trying to allow my daughter
I just got the following story from Alisa D, a Portland-area mother who recently had
I’ve had a number of questions, on this site, on our Facebook page, and on
Climbing the Couch to the Music, originally uploaded by tadnkat. Had to share this because,
This is, I think, the most epic bout of cute baby laughter on the entire
This fantastic story was submitted by my Aussie friend Sonya, a fellow Scientologist who
Mackenzie by Months, a set on Flickr. I think it’s officially when kids turn two
I swear, my wife has one of the most enviable jobs on the planet. This
Nearly all of my posts last summer were related to a single topic: preparing ourselves
Celebrating International Kids Snuggle With Daddy Day, originally uploaded by tadnkat. My wife & I