Her First Horsie Ride, originally uploaded by tadnkat.

As one could imagine, a day later she’s still talking about it in the back seat of the car.  When mommy picked me up from work today, the first thing out of her mouth was, “Daddy!!???!!  I ride d’big horsie!  The biiiig WHITE horsie!!”

Although we were somewhat concerned how well she was going to fare on her first horseback ride (no nap all day – but then again, who’d want to take a nap at such a time??), there was no reason for worry.  She put on the helmet with no fuss, and got right up on the horse like she had been doing it for ages and  never stopped.  She then didn’t even need my help staying on as she rode around the field on the horse – almost even making me disbelieve she’s not even 2 years old yet.

Definitely one of those nice parental pride moments.  🙂

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