Scientology Counseling for Children – Approaches

The following article was submitted by Diane Norgard of Mace-Kingsley Family Center in Clearwater, Florida – an organization that has been working to help children & families with Scientology for decades.  The article gives a great overview of what is possible with applying Scientology counseling (called auditing) to children, and an idea of how their staff approach the subject.


An Overview of Scientology Auditing

Reading this, one should first have an overview of what auditing is.  This video gives a quite excellent description:


Through auditing one is able to look at one’s own existence and improve one’s ability to confront what one is and where one is.   Auditing does not use hypnosis, trance techniques or drugs. The person being audited is completely aware of everything that happens. Auditing is precise, thoroughly codified and has exact procedures.

A person trained and qualified to better people through auditing is called an auditor. Auditor is defined as one who listens, from the Latin audire meaning to hear or listen. An auditor is a minister or minister-in-training of the Church of Scientology.

A person receiving auditing is called a preclear—from pre (before) and “Clear,” a person not yet Clear. A preclear (abbreviated as “PC”) is a person who, through auditing, is finding out more about himself and life.


When Auditing Children, What are We Doing?

First – a few basics.

In a bulletin Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard wrote on 23 May 1971 entitled THE TWO PARTS OF AUDITING, Mr. Hubbard says the following about the approach to auditing:

“There are two stages. 1. Form a communication line 2. Do something for the PC.

“Those are the two distinct stages. It is something like (1) walking up to the bus and (2) driving off.

If you don’t drive off you never go anyplace.” — LRH

The definition of rudiments is:

“Those steps or actions used to get the PC in shape to be audited in that session. For auditing to take place at all the pc must be “in session” which means (1) willing to talk to the auditor, (2) interested in own case. Rudiments are actions done to accomplish this.” (from the Basic Dictionary of DIANETICS & SCIENTOLOGY).

Occasionally, parents bring children in for auditing when there is a problem; the child isn’t sleeping or they’re sick, have behavior problems, an ethics situation, etc. While that is certainly a commendable action and we can absolutely handle those things with Scientology, we are basically just handling the out-rudiments of the case (ethics, body rudiments, upsets, etc.).

While we are happy to handle these situations, this is just the beginning of what can be done for a child with Scientology.

Even though the child (and family!) was massively helped with this application of Scientology ethics technology or basic auditing techniques, all that was done up to this point, was to get the child to “walk up to the bus!” We now have them ready to climb aboard and drive off but sometimes the parent is saying, “OK, thanks! You can ride the bus another time… wasn’t that fun?”

However, usually the kids are saying that they want more auditing because now they see it makes them feel better and do better in life.

Helping someone get their personal ethics straightened out is only done to get tech in so that the person can actually have stable gains. If the effort of getting their ethics in is not followed with the gains of auditing, I have often seen the case backslide. Sometimes, when they are older, they’re no longer interested in getting those gains. It was denied them so often, why bother? (Failed purpose)

To me, I immediately think that there is some lack of understanding of who and what we are auditing when we audit children.


Well, let’s see what Ron says about that in the article “How to Live with Children” in the Children booklet:

“A child is not a special species of animal distinct from man. A child is a man or a woman who has not attained full growth.” — LRH

So who then are we auditing? We are auditing spiritual beings with little bodies who now need to reorient themselves to the new body and its capabilities.

So what then can you possibly audit with an infant, baby or child? There are many, many processes that help a being get oriented to the physical universe and become in better control of his body and environment. The results of this have been a happier child, who grows well with little illness and accidents.

As a child gets older, there are many Scientology processes to increase ability in the important subjects of help and control; i.e. their own ability control their environment & others, as well as their tolerance of being controlled by others, which of course is important in their being a valuable team member. There are also many processes that uncover and validate their own abilities as an individual and help validate their abilities to make pro-survival decisions. There are many processes on communication and the ability to communicate more freely. And that is just a few of the many things that can be addressed in a child’s auditing.

Simply by going through and defining the words of the auditing commands, I have found that children get an education and better understanding of communication and how it works…even with objects! How does the physical world communicate to us? We clear words like: interest, curious and look which teach a child to observe rather than to take things at face value. We clear words like: decide and control so that they understand that to control, one must first decide. These are all valuable life lessons that lead one not to be afraid of responsibility and causative action.

I also find that children who have been audited, grow up to be much more responsible teens. Then, as adults, they have a much smoother time with work and in life. I can only base that on my observation of the statistics of these teens and adults that I know and have helped. However, I have seen enough of them to know that that is a true statement.

I invite you to take advantage of the wins both you and your children will have as they progress through their auditing. I hope the above answers some of the questions you may have regarding auditing and your child.

Diane DiGregorio Norgard
Mace-Kingsley Family Center

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