Scientology Parent Forums
We’ve just added Forums to the ScientologyParent website! While blogs are great for some things, there are a lot of subjects that don’t lend themselves well to blogs but do lend themselves to a forum type format. Things like:
- Quick questions: Many times, one wants to cast a wider net with certain questions than one can get on Facebook or other such venues – questions like, “What is the best baby book for a new mother?” or “When did you start feeding your kid solids?” or homeschool vs. public school vs. normal private school vs. Applied Scholastics School, or breastfeed vs. formula, etc. Such questions are easily posed & answered on the Forum.
- Larger Participation: Not everybody is born with a desire to write long, feature-length articles. So likewise, not everyone who has something valid to say about parenting will also contribute whole blog posts. However, I’m sure there are a ton of you who can chime in and answer peoples’ questions, or post about things you found workable as a parent.
In parenting, as well as life, I think that the best idea is always to have access to as much information as possible so that one can think with it and make their own decisions about how to live life. That’s what Scientology is all about anyhow, so of course this applies to parenting – and now anyone can log on and contribute as well!
To register: All you have to do to register for the forum is choose a name and put in your email address, and this will get you set up.
This is very exciting!