World Prematurity Day: A Reflection on Bedrest and Preterm Birth
Saturday, November 17th is World Prematurity Day, a day where we can raise awareness on the problems of premature birth and support solutions for healthy full term babies. Of course, this day brings back memories of my experiences with prematurity and its attendant concerns.
Last year, I wrote a post describing the emotional turmoil I felt after the unexpected preterm birth of my son. You see, when I wrote that post, I was in a rather dark place. I was on full time bed rest due to preterm labor and was faced with the prospect of my baby spending weeks in the NICU like her brother.
During the 3+ months of bed rest, I received weekly progesterone shots, cervical checks, various tests and went to labor and delivery so many times the nurses were remembering me by name. I met a few moms through online forums who were also at risk for pre-term delivery and/or on bed rest. We became each other’s sounding board to cope with the long quiet days at home constantly worrying if we’ll make it another day before the baby is born. Also during that time, I received weekly Scientology assists, sometimes twice per week from a very close friend who drove more than 30 minutes out of her way to see me and give me those assists. Those assists were tremendously welcomed and I attribute those assists along with excellent medical care to a very happy outcome. I was able to carry Claire to 36 weeks and 6 days. She didn’t quite make it to full term, but she came out healthy with a fully developed set of lungs and most importantly did not need to go to the NICU. In fact, because of her stellar bill of health we were discharged less than 48 hours of admittance.
While late-term preemies like Orion and Claire generally have exponentially less complications than micro-preemies, any baby born too soon brings concern. Some fare better than others, but we want all babies born healthy and uncomplicated. My heart goes out to the millions lost and the many more with less than happy outcomes. At the same time, congratulations to all the NICU graduates and preemies around the world leading happy, fulfilled lives.
I also encourage expectant moms to avail themselves of Scientology pregnancy assists whether or not there are complications in the pregnancy. Scientology assists address the mental and spiritual aspects associated with physical discomforts and can bring about greater well-being for mother and baby.
Here’s to 9-months full term pregnancies for all!