Mackenzie the Landmark Lifetime Member
Mackenzie the Landmark Lifetime Member, originally uploaded by tadnkat.
Mackenzie got her first commendation from the IAS, for becoming a Lifetime Member of the International Association of Scientologists at the 25th Anniversary of the IAS. She was a bit overwhelmed at all of the people clapping for her so wasn’t at her tippety top bubbliest, but certainly liked the idea of playing with & drooling on the fancy pin she got!
Thanks to @eringravitt for taking the photo. I unkindly just flung my camera into her hands as we went up to get the award, and unfortunately the settings were all messed up so the photo was taken with bizzarre flash & exposure settings making it look like we were getting an award in the Bat Cave. However, Adobe Camera Raw came to the rescue and luckily it came out looking just dandy.
However, what I failed to get a picture of was the lovely way that the banquet hall was set up at the Founding Church. The new building of the DC Church of Scientology has a great chapel which was designed as a multifunction room, so that it could be set up for church services, and then reconfigured to host a swanky banquet like was held at this occasion. It was really quite nice, and just highlighted for me the outstanding attention to detail of this building.