My Kids – Photos By Months

Now that I’m accumulating a wealth of cute photos of my two kids, I figured I’d do a little page from 0-2 yrs old, comparing them by months.  My son is pushing 11 months old, and my daughter is now a mighty Two-and-change!   Click through for larger versions of the photos.

Age Mackenzie Denali
Newborn 3862430491_c7bb4f171b_b 5392926787_6c0f845d8a_b
1st Month 4006585088_16321ba6a1_b 5471073957_e38e324b34_b
2nd Month 4056534010_eb95234943_b 5584730397_3a3a2a57dd_b
3rd Month 4129026924_56375c0546_b 5744480903_93e3811fe1_b
4th Month 4219309426_c0964e6e78_b 5776539351_da8dafda4d_b
5th Month 4335812905_e4dd3da765_b 5918542434_7d5e4595c5_b
6th Month 4449801950_d6e3f613d6_b 5974219743_3db7d8065d_b
7th Month 4463913617_dcc8a4cb9e_b 6080316400_d673c9dace_b
8th Month 4611762746_b5d9377abb_b 6170778245_1dbfdda652_o
9th Month 4713695079_787bd49b35_b 6233294252_3b97835f0f_o
10th Month 4765777837_467d978fd8_b 6315782791_60ac4ea642_o
11th Month 4824201483_8ae6cdedb1_b 6434871941_4fbc27a9a0_o
1 Year Old!! 4964219590_91ce41d150_b
13 Months 5071253311_6e7064c8e8_b
14 Months 5156499281_1f43eb9572_b
15 Months 5238567731_319473b5f7_b
16 Months 5325646989_9cb5f36b18_b
17 Months 5456379481_9fae998145_b
18 Months 5550098664_741ba36b3c_b
19 Months 5569595834_e0644409d8_b
20 Months 5678088465_273c2dc939_b
21 Months 5725890713_39065ae48f_b
22 Months 5877139648_0eac1d4490_b
23 Months 5974783510_8306fd6fc7_b
2 Years Old!! 6046668448_2cd3bc49ab_b (1)

1 thought on “My Kids – Photos By Months

  1. It’s funny how every month they look different and the difference between 1 month and 24 months is immense but at the same time, they keep the same basic facial look. I expect that’s the beingness coming through. Hope what I said makes sense!

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