Breastfeeding Calendar Cover Girl – Take Two

IBFAN Breastfeeding Calendar 2013
My wife on the cover of the IBFan Breastfeeding Calendar 2013 (top right).

In responding to folks on our Google+ page and Facebook pages regarding breastfeeding, I just realized that I neglected to mention that for a second time, my wife was selected as a cover girl for the IBFAN Breastfeeding Calendar, this time for their 2013 calendar.

She had made it on the cover of the 2011 calendar as well, happily breastfeeding our then-2-month-old daughter while we were out on a hike in Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia.  This one was again in Harper’s Ferry, but with our then-9-month-old son.

IBFAN (International Baby Food Action Network) is a network of over 200 citizens groups in more than 100 countries, that works to protect and promote the practice of breastfeeding, and to also protect against unscrupulous mis-marketing of breastmilk substitutes that may compromise the health of children. As parents, we’ve always heavily been in favor of breastfeeding as long as possible, and breastfed both of our children, so were quite pleased to help lend our photos to their cause.

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