My Daughter, By Months
Mackenzie by Months, a set on Flickr.
I think it’s officially when kids turn two that you’re disallowed from saying how many months old they are, and instead just say, “They’re Two” or “She’s two and a half.”
But until then, I’ve decided to keep a running set of my favorite photos of my daughter, one for each month.
I figured that the best gift to give her grandparents after she’s two is an awesome, large format book of each of her months, with highlights from each month. For me, as a parent who gets to see her daily, it’s all the more interesting to see the leaps & jumps she’s made over each month.
And yes, as I’m keeping a 365 Project of my son’s growth as well, it’ll be a fun task to make a photo book for when he turns two as well.
(updated 26 Jun 2011 with latest month’s photos)
She’s so incredibly gorgeous. A ray of sunshine!
Thanks! I certainly think so!
Such a great idea. She is a doll. I have an almost 3 year old. Thanks for posting.